The Vanuatu Bureau of Standards or VBS, a statutory body under the Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Industry, Commerce, Ni-Vanuatu Business, was launched on August 16, 2017. It is established under the Standards Act No.14 of 2016. The VBS core functions are in the area of standardisation, conformity assessment and metrology.
Assistance with preparation of HACCP Plans for Certification
Who is the service for?
SME’s and MSME’s
How does it work?
Simply set up an appointment with us and we will organise a site visit and provide assistance throughout the HACCP plan preparation and drafting. We will ensure that all documentation that your company needs to have is there.
What are the benefits of the service?
Acquiring HACCP certification increase buyer confidence in product and an increase in market share.
Small scale food processing and preservation training for Communities:
Who is the service for?
For small community groups wishing to process local fruits and vegetables for income generation or for food security.
How does it work?
Training requests can be submitted via phone or email directly to us or through the local Department of Industry or Department of Cooperatives representative on your island.
What are the benefits of the service?
Revenue generation and food security for local communities.
Testing Services
Who is the service for?
This service is for any SME’s, MSME’s and individuals who want to verify the quality of their value-added products.
How does it work?
Call us and talk to us first regarding the sample to be tested and give us any other important detail. Samples of products can be delivered to us in person or sent in from another island for testing.
What are the benefits of the service?
Revenue generation and food security for local communities.
Inspectors Training
Who is the service for?
Those organisations in charge of ensuring that technical regulations that contain standards for products and processes are adhered to.
How does it work?
VBS works in collaboration with organisations to deliver training to potential inspectors or those already doing the job who need a refresher.
What are the benefits of the service?
Monitoring of quality of products and processes on the market.